Late at a friend's, with all that Red
Goodnight kisses. Forehead stroking in absentia.
Awake in the quietest room.
The party outside are breathing their last.
The party outside are breathing their last.
The raging inside my head will spill out of my ears.
Jump out of my skin.
System Updates
System Updates
bloodshot eyes spot me: glued
make sure we're okay?
I don't like the rapids!
Must. Not. Stop.
make sure we're okay?
I don't like the rapids!
Must. Not. Stop.
But the light begins to ebb and flow.
Then my rubbish track record comes to mind.
My thoughts have now clotted entirely.
I roll over to cozy up, but I go and meet ice.
This has been my night.
This has been my night.
Enough to ruin eagerly anticipated brunch?
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